Site Maintenance

by Paul William Tenny

I'm putting into production a new visual theme I've been working on, based on the old one, but hopefully more appealing to the eye and easier to navigate. While I do this, some parts of the page may appear...strange. I can't just implement the whole thing at once, I have to do the page header, the side bar, the main content area, and the footer all separately.

My apologies, but it should go quickly and it'll look better after.


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Hey that RSS bar looks a little familiar ;-)
You might want to try out his cookie method so those that do subscribe don't have to keep seeing the bar.

I borrowed it as well, but in the form of a message box front and center ;-)

Well currently your design is very broken, or it could be that I need to clear my browser cache. But either way, I'll reserve judgement.

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